Henry Christopher Prince was born on this day 100 years ago!

Henry Christopher Prince was born at North Sydney on 1 February 1919.  Henry was the oldest of the four children and only son of Henry Prince and Violet Manning Webb, the grandson of Christopher Henry (Chris) Webb and Ellen Eliza (Nellie) Rogers and great-grandson of William Webb Wagg and Sarah Turner.

Henry married Elaine Athelstan Druitt on 19 August 1944 at Northbridge.  He enlisted in the airforce during the Second World War after his marriage.  Thanks to his son, John, for sharing this photo of Henry on ancestry.com.au.  

Henry and Elaine had three children - John, Christine and Ann.  He died at Windsor on 11 May 1987.  Elaine died on 22 April 2010 at Castle Hill.

Please feel free to share any comments or photos of Henry and Elaine with your other Webb Wagg cousins on the centenary of Henry's birth.

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